Aerial Yoga | Aerial Fitness |
Aerial Dance
AntiGravity classes are meant to be for everybody, from beginner to athlete, we have the right class for you! All by leveraging the AG Hammock!
Explore and find instructor
certification courses
AntiGravity Certification Courses are internationally renowned and provide high-quality training to instructors. Now also available virtually!
For studios, gyms
& wellness centers
Are you ready for the next level? AntiGravity Fitness provides solutions for Gyms, Studios, and Wellness centers.
The AG Hammock
The AntiGravity hammock
and why you need it!
Discover why the AG Hammock is the world’s most versatile yoga swing. Often copied, never matched!
AntiGravity Fitness
The originator of aerial yoga and aerial fitness, and the inventor of the aerial silk hammock, AntiGravity Fitness is the #1 aerial fitness provider worldwide. Founded in 2007, AntiGravity Fitness has been a pioneer ever since. We set the standards for the aerial fitness industry and we continue to lead today. We create…

Aerial Yoga, Aerial
Fitness & Aerial
Dance Classes

Instruction for
Yoga & Fitness Pros

Programs for
Studios & Fitness

Authentic AntiGravity

“AntiGravity is great for decompressing joints…can align the vertebrae …is great for stretching the muscles… takes the pressure off the knees during exercise.” – The Doctors (CBS TV)