AntiGravity Fundamentals
Instructor Training
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Fundamentals Training
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8 Ways to Deepen Your Skills, Expand Your Knowledge, and Explore Something New
Learn to activate your transformative power as a Certified AntiGravity Instructor (CAGI)
Our Fundamentals training provides the foundation for all AntiGravity techniques and is the prerequisite for all of our trainings and courses. When you step into the Fundamentals Instructor Training you unlock the world of AntiGravity Fitness. You will learn the foundation for all of the techniques, nomenclature, principles, and philosophies that make AntiGravity the global leader in aerial yoga and suspension fitness. As you become fluent in these building blocks, you will discover your own capacity for transformation and learn how to help others in tapping theirs.
The in-depth, 24-hour AntiGravity Fundamentals Instructor Training is held at the AntiGravity Lab, NYC, at one of AntiGravity’s Affiliates throughout the world, or virtually via Zoom link. Training is offered in multiple languages. The format is either three consecutive days or it can be broken up into separate days. Each training day is 8 hours.
Earn CEUs
AntiGravity Fitness trainings are accredited by:
- NASM (National Association of Sports Medicine)
- AFAA (Aerobics & Fitness Association of America)
- Fitness Australia
Whether you are starting as a novice or are already a fitness professional, this training will open a whole new universe of possibilities for you.
What you will learn
By the end of this fun-filled, action-packed certification course you will be able to teach three popular class designs and know how to leverage your training materials to create your own class design variations. You will also learn:
- How to lead group aerial-fitness classes and bring the fun, life-changing AntiGravity experience to others.
- The ins and outs of aerial hammock grips, mounts, wraps, traps, and more.
- Expert safety skills, including scanning and spotting.
- All about inversions—what decompression is and why it’s so transformative.
- Best practices for working with all body types and fitness levels.
- The secrets of successful vocal dynamics when cueing.
- How to make your class a stress buster, using recalibration techniques and poses.
- New ways of achieving greater flexibility, mobility, and strength.
- The body-mind-heart connection and how AntiGravity taps all three for a truly transformative fitness class.
- Getting it all right: from first alignment to final dismount, and much more.
What you will get
Your instructor training includes:
- Adaptable AntiGravity class designs that you can start teaching right away.
- The comprehensive AntiGravity Fundamentals Instructor Manual—your reference for reviewing and building on what you have learned.
- Access to AntiGravity Digital Academy (AGDA), including the exclusive video library that makes it even easier to review and refine your skills over time.
- Post-training support and guidance from your Master Instructor.
- Connection to the Certified AntiGravity Instructor (CAGI) worldwide network.
- Certification! Upon successful completion of the final practicum and test, you will be a Certified AntiGravity Instructor (CAGI). Certification is valid for two years and renewal is easy.
Get top-notch leadership-and so much more

Learn from the world’s top aerial fitness experts.
The AntiGravity Instructor Training program is world-renowned. As the originator of the aerial yoga genre, AntiGravity Fitness is the premier aerial fitness training and certification organization in the world. CAGI’s continue to pioneer and innovate, all across the globe.
Your AntiGravity Master Instructor will guide and mentor you throughout the certification process. Their years of experience are at your disposal, helping you bridge from conceptual learning to real-life instruction. With your Master Instructor’s support, you will acquire—and then apply—the essential practical skills of leading exceptional classes.
The AntiGravity Digital Academy (AGDA)
Unparalleled support to keep growing your skillset—included with your training.
The magic of transformation happens best when CAGIs are well prepared and continually supported. That’s why the Fundamentals Instructor Training is so thorough and why we continue to support you—even after you are certified. In addition to receiving continued guidance from your Master Instructor, you will receive access to AntiGravity Digital Academy (AGDA). AGDA is a powerful online learning platform designed for your continued development. Your instant access to AGDA includes:
- Your personal Instructor Portal,
- Comprehensive training materials,
- A digital version of the AntiGravity Fundamentals Instructor Manual,
- The industry’s most comprehensive reference library, containing thousands of “how-to” instructional videos—including demos of spotting and proper cueing.
- Periodic updates, helpful tips, class designs, and more.
AGDA is free for 90 days as part of your training. That means it’s easy for you to continue fine-tuning your skills at your own pace, even after you have completed your certification.
Register now and unlock your free access to AGDA

It’s easy to get started.
Select and register for a Fundamentals Training (live-virtual or in-person)
Get access to your AGDA materials and attend the Training! (live-virtual or in-person)
Get certified & start teaching AntiGravity classes right away.
Enjoy 90 days of Instructor Benefits
— Just for Signing Up!
Open the door to ongoing
AntiGravity Fitness education and teaching opportunities.
Once you master the AntiGravity Fitness methodology in the Fundamentals training, the sky is the limit. You can continue to build your skills and increase your versatility as an instructor with subsequent programs and certifications.

“No tenía formación formal en ningún tipo de área de fitness, yoga o afines, solo tenía mucho entusiasmo por profundizar más mi conocimiento… y gracias no solo a su gran formación técnica – paciencia y mucho sentido del humor -, sino que la forma en que retransmite su experiencia, admiración por Christopher Harrison y aprecio por la filosofía de AntiGravity®, lograron que me enamorara aún más de esta disciplina.
Valoro profundamente contar con una estructura tan clara y precisa de enseñanza, que prioriza la seguridad y la accesibilidad, solo puedo decir que mi experiencia de aprendizaje ha sido excepcional. Tanto así… que ya tengo 2 meses de impartir clases de AntiGravity®… 🙂 #FlyHigh! – Angélica, Costa Rica
Internationally Accredited By:
NASM — National Academy of Sports Medicine
AFAA — Aerobics & Fitness Association of America
Fitness Australia
CYQ — U.K.