Become a Certified
AntiGravity Instructor (CAGI)
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Fundamentals Training
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8 Ways to Deepen Your Skills, Expand Your Knowledge, and Explore Something New
Are you ready to inspire others
and help them discover their fullest potential?
A Certified AntiGravity Instructor (CAGI) is unlike any other instructor in the fitness world. That’s because CAGIs do more than simply teach moves in a fun group fitness class. Assisted by the AntiGravity Hammock, they facilitate three-dimensional movement that unlocks hidden potentials.
New ways of moving have profound effects on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Science shows that when the mind is exposed to new possibilities, new neural pathways are created. Neurons that “fire together wire together.” The brain changes and adapts (neural plasticity); you literally see and experience things differently. Not only are you getting fit and healthy, but you are also opening up new possibilities in your life. That’s why AntiGravity is truly transformational.

Lead with confidence, set
up for instructor success.

Inspire others to greater
health & well-being.

Create class designs using
powerful AntiGravity repertoire
Guidance and support – even after you complete your training
Your AntiGravity Master Instructor will guide and mentor you throughout the training. With their support, you will acquire—and then apply—the essential practical skills and techniques of the method you train in.
You will also have access to the AntiGravity Digital Academy (AGDA). AGDA empowers you with references and video resources to review and refine your skills. And you can continue to learn beyond the dates of your Instructor Training.
Earn CEUs
AntiGravity Fitness trainings are accredited by:
- NASM (National Association of Sports Medicine)
- AFAA (Aerobics & Fitness Association of America)
- Fitness Australia
“When you open up space in your body, you open space in your mind.”
– Christopher Harrison, AntiGravity Fitness Founder
When you certify as an AntiGravity Fitness Instructor you will be able to:
- Start teaching AntiGravity Fitness classes right away.
- Inspire confidence—and cultivate fun and enthusiasm in your classes.
- Expertly guide students through three-dimensional sequences in space using the AntiGravity Hammock and proven techniques.
- Facilitate the opening up of space, in both body and mind, for real benefits on all levels: physical (mobility, strength, tone), mental (memory, clarity, intuition), emotional (confidence, well-being), and spiritual (connection to self, earth, others).
- Assist students in breaking through personal challenges—and discovering their untapped potentials.
All of this, and much more, is built into the AntiGravity Fundamentals Instructor Training. When you become certified, you are ready to engage people at all levels of fitness and guide them to personal breakthroughs—all the while sustaining a high level of excitement, group engagement, and motivation. Your certification will be valid for two years and renewing it is easy.
Experience the joy of helping people overcome limitations to discover the greater physical, mental, and emotional health.

When you certify as an AntiGravity Fitness Instructor you will be able to:
- Start teaching AntiGravity Fitness classes right away.
- Inspire confidence—and cultivate fun and enthusiasm in your classes.
- Expertly guide students through three-dimensional sequences in space using the AntiGravity Hammock and proven techniques.
- Facilitate the opening up of space, in both body and mind, for real benefits on all levels: physical (mobility, strength, tone), mental (memory, clarity, intuition), emotional (confidence, well-being), and spiritual (connection to self, earth, others).
- Assist students in breaking through personal challenges—and discovering their untapped potentials
All of this, and much more, is built into the AntiGravity Fundamentals Instructor Training. When you become certified, you are ready to engage people at all levels of fitness and guide them to personal breakthroughs—all the while sustaining a high level of excitement, group engagement, and motivation.
Experience the joy of helping people overcome limitations to discover the greater physical, mental, and emotional health.

“I’m writing to you because my limited English prevents me from expressing myself as I would like, and I feel the need to thank you. As I tried to convey yesterday, you, all of you at the Lab, even though I don’t know you personally, are the best in the world to me. I’m immensely grateful for the opportunity to learn with you because, despite the screen and the distance, it feels like I’m entering the heart of a philosophy that truly saved my life five years ago. If I have this opportunity, it’s because you help us overcome enormous obstacles, like in my case, the language. I don’t know where my journey will take me, but I genuinely hope to one day cross those doors of yours in New York, hug you, and soar with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, thanks for everything, thanks for the love you inspire in me every time. Grateful to be a tiny part of this magnificent story.” – Micaela, Italy
“We are all very happy and thankful for this great opportunity to dive deeper into your amazing world of flying high and learning safely how to decompress our spines while strengthening and maintaining our flexibility. it is great! Thank you also for the great philosophy and principles, bringing the world together with this awesome training.” – Michelle, Switzerland
Internationally Accredited By:
NASM — National Academy of Sports Medicine
AFAA — Aerobics & Fitness Association of America
Fitness Australia
CYQ — U.K.