The AntiGravity Fundamentals training is the key to unlocking the AntiGravity Fitness universe. For a detailed description, visit the dedicated Fundamentals page.
Max Capacity: 5
USD 1200
Andamio Escuela de Movimiento
150 meters West from Universidad Veritas Tall building in front of an empty lot over Zapote´s main street
Zapote, San José, San Jose, 2275-1000, Costa Rica
The AntiGravity Fundamentals training is the key to unlocking the AntiGravity Fitness universe. For a detailed description, visit the dedicated Fundamentals page.
Max Capacity: 5
USD 1200
Andamio Escuela de Movimiento
150 meters West from Universidad Veritas Tall building in front of an empty lot over Zapote´s main street
Zapote, San José, San Jose, 2275-1000, Costa Rica
Zapote, San José, San José, 2275-1000, CR
I love EVERYTHING about these classes. I regularly and enthusiastically recommend AntiGravity to my friends and colleagues. It’s a wonderful natural high and my body has been gaining functionality and mobility since day 1. Wish I could go every day!