AntiGravity Fitness
Affiliated Studios
Instructors Trained
Tried and trusted – all over the world
As the originator of the aerial fitness genre, AntiGravity Fitness (AG) is the premiere training and certification organization. AG teaches in more than 50 countries, empowering Certified AntiGravity Instructors (CAGIs) to create unlimited combinations that keep AntiGravity Fitness classes effective, fresh, and exciting. Our CAGIs continue to pioneer and innovate across the globe, extending the mission first conceived by AntiGravity founder Christopher Harrison in the 1990s.
What exactly is aerial anyway?
Many people think aerial fitness and aerial yoga are simply doing a workout up off the floor in a hammock. They’re not! Although aerial does use a special hammock, it’s really much more about the technique used with the hammock that facilitates fitness transformation.
Together, the AntiGravity Hammock and AntiGravity Fitness technique facilitate movement in all spatial directions—with a wide range of health benefits. When it’s done right, aerial yoga and aerial fitness are a whole new way of unlocking movement so that you can break through limitations

A word about… Founder Christopher Harrison
One word? Innovator.
AntiGravity Fitness founder Christopher Harrison fused his love of the aerial performance arts with yoga and fitness, creating what is known today as aerial yoga and aerial fitness. He reimagined the aerial arts hammock as a tool for yoga and reconfigured it specifically for yoga and fitness, birthing the AntiGravity Fitness Hammock. Simultaneously, Harrison developed the AntiGravity aerial-fitness technique—the unique codified system and language of movement used today with the AntiGravity Hammock. The AntiGravity Fitness technique is how we use the hammock, coupled with the precise poses and sequences, to facilitate health and fitness transformation.

The Secret Behind OurYour Success:
The 5 Star-Points
A lot has gone into making every AntiGravity Fitness class a seamless experience of soaring exploration and self-actualization. Each class is the intersection of five dynamic points. We call them the 5 star points.
When you show up, that’s when the magic begins.
The AntiGravity Technique
The solid foundation of AntiGravity’s fully vetted, time-tested principles, language of movement, and method, developed by aerial expert Christopher Harrison.
Certified AntiGravity Instructor (CAGI)
Expert guidance by a world-class team of certified instructors who are committed to guiding you through a fun, transformational workout.
Your AntiGravity Hammock
The proprietary hammock-and-suspension system, optimized for the specific qualities that enable the AntiGravity technique to work— giving you the unsurpassed AntiGravity Fitness experience and Zero-Compression Inversion.
Play and Self-Discovery
Every class is an invitation to explore. Freed from the everyday constraints of gravity, you are supported to move in new ways, have fun, and break through the habitual patterns that have been holding you back.
We’ve taken care of all the groundwork
so you can soar to new heights

The AntiGravity LAB in New York City.
AntiGravity’s techniques and methodology are the result of many years of experimentation and testing. The AntiGravity LAB, our NYC headquarters, provides a safe place for that. Located in the heart of Manhattan, just steps from Times Square and the theatre district, it is a center for creativity where you can feel the energy of the “crossroads of the world”. Our daily classes draw a diverse crowd who get to meet and interact with instructors from all over the world – there to receive their professional training. For anyone who is not able to come to NYC, our studios are also fully equipped to provide instruction virtually. The AntiGravity LAB is where magic happens and is an inclusive place where every body is welcome, no matter their origin, age, or ability. Come take a class with us on your next visit to NYC. www.antigravitylab.com
I was open to trusting the Hammock, and most of all, I felt very comfortable with learning and following your cues– as well as seeing your own strength and flexibility to demonstrate precisely. That said, you made me feel safe… and to let go!” – Carolyn, Canada
Internationally Accredited By:
NASM — National Academy of Sports Medicine
AFAA — Aerobics & Fitness Association of America
Fitness Australia
CYQ — U.K.